And the Oscar goes to...whoops, have I spoken too soon? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button should come as no suprise that it is one of the best movies of 2008. Though it is a polar opposite of the 22 page short story, the 167 minute movie is satistfying. The movie is depressing and is themed with death, therefore many maybe uncomfortable with it.
Benjamin Button is truly a curious case. Played by Brad Pitt, he was born "under unusual circumstances" with the body of an 80 year old. Left on the doorstep of Queenie (Taraji P. Huston), the owner of a retirement home, he is adopted and is raised by her. Even more strange, he is becoming younger as people grow older. At the retirement home, he meets Daisy (Cate Blanchett), the love of his life. The movie chronicles his life adventures.
The movie is butt numbing to say the least. Though it may be well measured in time, it is 167 minutes and it does feel that way. Some parts of the movie aren't really all that necessary. I'm scared to know how long the director's cut is if one exists!
David Fincher's direction is amazing. Some shots are absolutely gorgeous such as the one in which he watches the sunrise with his biological father. Others are not including the war sequence which is filmed very well. Whether or not the movie's length is his fault or not we will never know, but he is forgiven.
Benjamin Button should see shiny statuettes in its future. Though the movie does seem to drag on a bit, it is well worth it. Taraji P. Huston, David Fincher, and the picture itself should be getting awards come February. The movie will captivate all viewers and the end will leave them in tears. As we see Benjamin age (or quite the opposite), we are him and we feel the pain he must be going through.
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