Gaspar Noe's torturous movie Irreversible is cinematic and also groundbreaking. The film is Memento-esque in the way that it plays backwards as the tragic events unfold in Paris. Marcus (Vincent Cassel) and Pierre are looking for Le Tenia for the reason, which is later revealed, that Alex (Monica Belucci) has been brutally raped and murdered.
Noe's direction and Monica Belucci really shine in this movie. Although it would be hard to say that the direction is beautiful, it is for sure that of an expert. Monica Belucci is great in the role of Alex. In the sick and perverted ten minute rape scene (I'm not even exaggerating), she gives a very believable performance.
Although Irreversible may be hard to watch at times, it does require one's full attention. As confusing enough as it is, things can easily be missed. It is sick and twisted, but worth more than one viewing.
Irreversible falls under what would be called shock cinema and it truly is shocking. The tragic story of rape, murder, and fate is the most disturbing film ever. Many people left the theater originally because it is just too much. Try to watch this movie because it actually is very good.
Warning: This movie includes graphic, extended scenes of rape, violence, and nudity. You've been warned.
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