Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Movies You Shouldn't See: W. (2008)

I guess W. didn't exactly win my vote. This is it. Oliver Stone has finally made a less than stellar movie. W. is not a terrible movie, but it sure is not good enough to fill out all two hours and ten minutes that it takes up.
W. is the story of George W. Bush, played beautifull by Josh Brolin in what should be an Oscar nominated (but not winning) performance. His friends and his political exploits are explored by Oliver Stone. Laura Bush is played by Elizabeth Banks in a stale, but passable performance. Ellen Burstyn plays Bush's mother well, Thandie Newton does an excellent job as Condeleeza Rice, and Richard Dreyfuss is spectacular as Dick Cheney. The other performances, not so much.
To start off, the film is rated PG-13. What kind of Oliver Stone movie is rated PG-13? What contributed to this was a lot of appropriate language where f-words could have been substituted and the forgotten tale of Bush's cocaine addiction.
Also contributing to the film's rating is Stone's lack of risk. For example, one of the few great scenes in the film is Bush fighting his father in the Oval Office in a nightmare. The scene may be edgy and brilliant, but the rest of the movie is far from it. Stone has clearly toned down the subject matter in his worst attempt at satire ever.
W. reads like a long, boring Saturday Night Live skit. It can't hold my attention for the full movie, but the trailer is worth watching. Some good acting and direction, but the film is not edgy enough for the man in the director's chair.

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