Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mulholland Dr. (2001)

David Lynch's Mulholland Dr. is not at all surprisingly odd nor is it surprisingly great. This twisty-turny feature is one to awe and mistify audiences. In fact, I am sure you won't get the whole movie on your first time or even fifth.

I'll do my best to explain the extremely complex and at times absolutely head scratching plot. A woman (Laura Elena Harring) gets into a car accident on Mulholland Drive and wakes up the next day. She walks down to the house of a Hollywood hopeful (Naomi Watts) and takes residence there. The two search for reason as to what might have caused this to happen since she has no memory from the accident.

The film will make no sense at all at first. Although the film may run close to two hours and a half, be patient and let the nonlinear timed plot roll itself out in front of you. To aide you in your discoveries, Lynch has provided some clues in the DVD case. I'm not sure how much this will help you because I still can't decipher them.

Lynch's direction is superb as usual. His old techniques from as early as Eraserhead come back in this film. Also, its easy to see it was directed by him simply from looking at his cast. First of all, he loves Laura Elena Harring. Number two, he loves her body (and Watts') since we see it quite a few times in the course of the film.

This odd, frenetic thriller is sure to leave you flabbergasted by the end. It is extremely complex and if you understand it by the end, you should feel proud. The final twist is genuine and great. Worth two viewings or even six.

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